The CEO News Desk features a message from David Graham, President and CEO of Scarborough Health Network, in Network News, our monthly e-newsletter. To receive Network News and other messages to the community in your inbox, subscribe today.

Bringing you better MRI technology

I am excited to share with you that new, state-of-the-art diagnostic imaging technology is now available at Scarborough Health Network (SHN), with the Siemens 3-Tesla (3T) MRI scanning its first patients since May.

With a magnet twice as powerful as our health network’s other machines, this is the first 3T MRI in Scarborough. The machine’s stronger magnet enables it to provide higher quality imaging information that helps to assess finer structures in greater detail, such as the brain or small joints. The 3T MRI also has a larger bore opening than other scanners and allows for faster imaging techniques, which makes diagnostic exams less intimidating to patients with claustrophobia.

I am grateful to all of our individual, community, and corporate donors who supported the Love, Scarborough fundraising campaign to help make this 3T MRI technology available to our community.

The 3T MRI is part of the new Northpine Diagnostic Imaging Department we are building through our Build It Forward redevelopment work. At the heart of our community, General Hospital will soon be home to the most advanced modern imaging facility in Toronto.

The donor-funded Northpine Diagnostic Imaging Department will combine all imaging services at General Hospital into one easy-to-access, 36,000-sq-ft concourse, and feature the newest technology in MRI and CT scanners, interventional radiology suites, X-rays, and ultrasounds.

This project is now underway after 20 years in the making, and we look forward to welcoming patients and families into this incredible new space when it opens.


David Graham
President and CEO