Health means something different to each of us. Our definitions of health are influenced by our communities, education, religion and culture. Dietitians work alongside patients to encourage them to take control of their health. Taking a holistic approach to care, dietitians help patients discover what’s good for YOU, because healthy eating goes far beyond what’s on your plate. It reflects culture, traditions and religion. The dietitians at Scarborough Health Network (SHN) support the dynamic community of Scarborough by creating plans that reflect a person’s culture and their current health status.

Whether it’s noticing a patient is at risk of malnutrition, supporting someone newly diagnosed with diabetes, or managing tube feeds, the dietitians at SHN wear a multitude of hats. They provide advice that reflects a person’s culture, food skills and financial constraints. They educate patients about their health condition and encourage sustainable lifestyle changes.

Nutrition is often viewed as a preventative measure, but it’s also an important intervention. When a person understands their diagnosis of diabetes, they feel confident in managing their care and experience less complications. If a nutrition intervention is provided to a malnourished patient, their length of stay is shorter and their rate of re-admission is decreased. Critically ill patients provided nutritional support therapy (i.e. enteral feeding or total parental nutrition) have improved recovery rates. These early interventions decrease the risk of complications, re-admissions and length of stay.

As we mark Dietitians Day on March 16, take a moment to celebrate the dietitians at SHN! A valued member of the healthcare team that help patients improve their health.