Scarborough Primary Care Providers,

We at Scarborough Health Network (SHN) and Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities (SCHC) have been working hard to expand and improve Scarborough SCOPE. But in order to make it a service that is truly reflective of your experience, and one that best meets your needs, we need your advice.

Why join?

As a member of the SCOPE Provider Advisory Group, your input will directly influence:

  • The creation of new programs, processes and pathways;
  • Identification of barriers to access that impact you in your practice;
  • Improvements to current services; and
  • Integration of SCOPE with other digital health navigation platforms (e.g. OCEAN eReferral).

Who are we looking for?

4-6 registered Scarborough SCOPE primary care providers, representing:

  • Different types of practices and PEM (i.e. solo physicians, FHG, FHO, FHT, CHC)
  • Different geographic areas of Scarborough
  • High and lower volume users of SCOPE
  • Physicians and Nurse Practitioners who have been in practice for <5 years; 5-15 years and >15 years

Terms of Reference

Below is a Terms of Reference document for the SCOPE Provider Advisory Group for your review. In it you will find details on:

  • Purpose and goals;
  • Key responsibilities;
  • Makeup and roles of the membership;
  • Administrative process; and
  • Time commitment.

Thank you for your ongoing partnership, and all the best,

Dr. Avnish Mehta
Corporate Chief and Medical Director, Family Medicine
Scarborough Health Network