As of June 4, Scarborough Health Network (SHN) is hosting two new services in the Medical Mall at General Hospital. The following SHN programs have relocated from external sites to General:

ServiceFormer locationsNew location
Family Medicine Teaching Unit3000 Lawrence Ave. ESHN General Hospital
Medical Mall, suite BO5
3050 Lawrence Ave. E
Diabetes Education Program3000 Lawrence Ave. E
SHN Birchmount Hospital
3030 Birchmount Rd.

Please note:

  • There has been no change to the Diabetes Education Program located at Centenary Hospital.
  • The Family Medicine Teaching Unit includes the Scarborough Pap Clinic, which has also moved to General Hospital Medical Mall along with the unit.

Patients and families have been separately notified of this change, including updates on future appointments. SHN is happy to host these services within General Hospital and welcome patients into this new suite!